"The first 20 tons of frozen pork were exported to Yerevan. The exporter was the North Kazakhstan company EMC Agro".
Previously, the company's products were sold exclusively on the domestic market.
Ahead is export to Georgia, where a similar batch will be sent in the coming days. These destinations are ready to purchase up to 400 tons of meat monthly.
The company added that the current monthly sales volume on the domestic market is 700-800 tons, and cooperation with Armenia and Georgia can send up to 50% of the products abroad.
The company is also considering entering the Chinese market. In the summer, representatives of the China Meat Association got acquainted with the production and expressed interest in purchasing 20 thousand tons of pork per year. Now EMC Agro is working on inclusion in the register of suppliers of agricultural products of the PRC.
"EMC agro is the leader of meat processing enterprises in Kazakhstan. The production capacity of the meat processing plant allows producing 20 thousand tons of meat per year and 30 tons of finished products per day," the company representatives noted.
Kazakhstan expands its exports of pork
The North Kazakhstan company EMC Agro sent the first 20 tons of frozen pork to Armenia.